Vaga third party risk management consultant PCD
- Tags:
- transunion , vagas pessoas com deficiência, contrato CLT.
Detalhes da Vaga
What Youll Bring:
- English verbal and written skills
- Supplier Management experience
- Stakeholder management
- Risk Assessment experience with clients and vendors
- Understanding of Business Continuity
- Influencing and persuasion skills
- Change management experience
- Third Party Risk Management experience highly
- Procurement experience
- Understanding of key regulation pertaining to Financial Services i.e.. FCA, PRA, EBA
Impact Youll Make:
Reporting directly to the manager of the Global TPRM (Third Party Risk Management) Integrations and Support team. You will be responsible for ensuring that third parties of all regions are leveraged as part of their business, and all relevant teams and business units are properly trained and briefed on how to manage third parties to the required Global TPRM (Third Party Risk Management) standard. You will ensure that supplier performance and risk are managed effectively throughout the supply chain identifying areas for savings, efficiency and continuous improvement opportunities driving increased value to TU.
Core Accountabilities / Responsibilities:
- Proactively manage the global portfolio of third parties and ensure accuracy and consistency with processes.
- Developing strong working relationships with key stakeholders to understand how third parties are leveraged as part of their business.
- Support implementation & evolution of the Global TPRM framework.
- Understand the end to end life cycle of on-boarding new and existing third parties and implement improvements to drive efficiencies across all regions.
- Proactively manage in collaboration with the business, TUs strategic suppliers to optimize performance, drive innovation, adhere to responsible business best practice and reduce risk.
- Influencing and ensuring business compliance to relevant policies, procedures and practices.
- Implement and lead appropriate cross functional Third Party Risk meetings and appropriate reporting.
- Provide TPRM Support to the business and collaboration with other key stakeholders.
- Monitor and manage risks as it relates to key Suppliers and assess operational risk.
- Producing insightful reporting and MI for stakeholders and governance meetings.
- Feeding valuable intel and insights into global category plans/strategies.
Local de Trabalho:
Híbrido (2x na semana) - Nosso escritório está localizado na Av. Paulista.
Na TransUnion, temos um ambiente acolhedor e enérgico que incentiva a colaboração e a inovação - estamos constantemente explorando novas tecnologias e ferramentas para sermos ágeis. Este ambiente dá ao nosso pessoal a oportunidade de aprimorar as habilidades atuais e construir novas capacidades, descobrindo seus talentos. Estamos trabalhando para trazer maior representatividade social para a nossa empresa, garantindo que as pessoas se sintam parte de nossas equipes e dando apoio para que conquistem cargos de liderança. Venha fazer parte da nossa história!
Salário fixo
R$ 11.200,00
Vale Refeição, Vale Alimentação, Vale Transporte, Plano de Saúde, Plano Odontológico, Participação nos Lucros,
Seguro de Vida, Gympass, Programa Empresa Cidadã, Auxílio Creche e Ações de Qualidade de Vida Vida (Programa de Meditação, Laboral, Yoga e Quick Massagem no escritório, Programa de Consciência Financeira, Programa Nutricional, EAP - Programa de Apoio com Orientação Psicológica, Jurídica e Financeira, SLANG - Plataforma de aprendizagem de inglês profissional, Day Off no dia do Aniversário).
Escolaridade Mínima
Graduação Concluído.
Inglês - Avançado;
Aceita trabalho a distância?
Local de trabalho
Sao paulo / SP
Quantidade de Vagas
1 vaga para PCD.
A empresa tem Acessibilidade para PCD?
Auditivo, Autismo, Fisica, Intelectual, Outros, Psicossocial, Visual.
Candidato PCD, lembre-se de atualizar seu currículo com o número do CID e com um breve descritivo de sua deficiência para facilitar o recrutamento e seleção.